Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The beginning of the Voyage

Now when I think about it, I have always loved marketing. Back in high school when I studied marketing it was exciting to create the posters and make the ads that would grab someones attention. That was the beginning of the voyage for me. Even though, over the years, I have not worked in marketing as a job or career, I now realize it was my true calling. 

As I look back over the years of working on line, marketing is something we simply can not get around, especially if we expect to succeed. I realize that marketing frightens some people right out of business. There are so many different facets of marketing. You have Network Marketing, Internet Marketing, Multi-level Marketing, Free Marketing, Paid Marketing, E-book Marketing just to name a few. There are many different ways to market. So what is the best way? How about Any and All ways of Marketing! 

Marketing and money go hand in hand. No marketing- no money. No money-no marketing. There is a saying that says "it takes money to make money" and to a great degree this is true. However you can start with no money but it will cost you something and that is your time, and you know the saying "time is money". 

So to begin our marketing voyage the first thing we should look at is do we have money or time? or both. That will help us to determine what type of marketing we should focus on. We should not focus on what type of marketing is needed right at the beginning because certain marketing is going to cost money regardless. 

If you don't have passion about marketing then you most certainly better have passion about your business, because it will take all the patience, and determination, and commitment, and consistency to obtain the goal of success. If you don't have passion for marketing then you best to have money to pay someone to handle it for you.  You will need the other ingredients to sustain you while the marketing takes it course. Nothing happens over night and remember marketing is a voyage. 

When you market yourself, then you can see all the details of the difficulties along the way, and it could cause you to get weary, that is unless you are passionate about marketing. If you pay someone to do your marketing for you, then you must trust their judgement as to when they tell you to spend for this or that which will keep your business on the forefront. That can be frustrating because you may not see hundreds of clients coming to your business yet you are spending hundreds of dollars on your marketing.

What we want to do in this blog is to take you step by step how to market any business starting with zero and gradually up to what you can afford according to the income of your business, This is a journey, not a trip so sit back relax and enjoy the ride.