Thursday, December 7, 2017

Bitcoins is over $15,000.00, Learn about them and how to obtain them starting with only $5!

I have been watching bitcoins grow from under $100, up to over $1500, back down to a few hundred and now up to over $15,000.00. 

My goal is to position myself to be able to obtain them not just because the price they have risen to, but because soon they will be the currency of choice. 

Back in 2011, I realized when my debit card company told me that I should not withdraw cash off my card, which I did not understand because I funded the card with cash. They told me if I did they would block my account, and sure enough they did just that. I had to go through great lengths to get my card unblocked. That is when I realized, we are going digital. 

In 2012, I got heavily into marketing because I realized that with any program marketing is the key. If you don't get eyes in front of your product or services, you will not be making any money.  

So I signed up for 75 to 100 different marketing sites, and I began marketing. As I would come across programs that I reviewed and felt they were good enough to invest the time and some money, I would join knowing what it would take to get that program up and running.

On Oct. 15th 2017 I came across one of the most profound programs I had ever seen. I liked what I saw mainly because of the name. I joined because it was free to join. I sat it on the shelf, as I do with most programs because I come back to them a little later and see if what I saw as worth anything. 

Something about this program got my attention 8 days later when I received an email stating I had a referral, when I knew I had not done anything with it! Soon after that the same day I received another referral so that is when I decided to take a closer look, and I was very pleased at what I found. 
This program is truly for the people, it is affordable, sustainable, and doable. It is exciting to finally see a program that really has the heart of the people! I have listed its benefits 
1. It only cost $5 to get upgraded
2.So far 4 payment options with other gateways being established. 
3. Once you upgrade you receive 3 bonuses without referring anyone
4. Everyone should only refer 2, not mandatory but it helps
5. Spillover happens 
6. We benefit from spillover
7. Down-line can not just jump you and leave you, you have 7 days to upgrade. 
8. When your referral upgrades in any of the 7 matrices you get a personal referral bonus. 
9. This is world wide, and is 7 or 8 different languages already
10. it is simple, easy to duplicate, multiple ways to earn 
11. Just from the 1st matrix you can earn over $14000.00 per month, every month, 

The program already has more members than it takes to fill the first matrix, each of the 7 matrixes are the same 2X15, so if everyone just brought 2 in the matrix will fill fast. We make money on each matrix line, whether we bring them in or not. Once the matrix is filled, all the members will flow over into the next matrix and so forth, unbelievable how easy this is going to be! There are more benefits so please join us and watch this change your financial future as well. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Get Paid Cash Every Hour Instantly To Your Bitcoin Wallet

Get Paid Cash Every Hour Instantly To Your Bitcoin Wallet: I'm Getting Paid EVERY HOUR While Sitting On The Couch In My Pajamas! Do You Want To Join Me? Click HERE To See How I'm Doing It!