Monday, June 13, 2016



It is time to become more consistent with my blogging! I created my first blog about 2 years ago and I must admit, I did not know what I was doing then and I am still a little lost today but at least willing to step out and try a little more. 

Two years ago I decided to launch out into the deep with marketing and because I enjoy writing decided to try blogging. I heard that blogging can bring in a very good income, and one thing I need is a good income. I really believe in multiple streams of income so I am into multiple avenues to generate income. 

I guess you ask, are any of them working, some are and some are not. Consistency is the key to the success of any business. 

I have come across some really interesting concepts as well as products that I have made some money with. Depending on the concept or product I test the waters and sometimes the waters are simply not either at the right temperature to produce the desired income. 

Also sometimes it is not the waters that is the problem, it is about the marketing. 

Marketing has been a learning process for me and of all that I have learned about marketing, blogging has been at the bottom of my list. As much as I enjoy writing, blogging has been the one tactic of marketing I have stayed away from. 

I recently learned how to link my blogging into Google, and how to me, Google is better than FB. I guess because FB is so broad, where as Google is more personalized. 

Now it is time to spend more time blogging and getting my blogs out to those that read them and also for me to read the blogs that come in to me. 

I look forward to sharing some really good idea's and products and also learning more about others ideas and products. I am taking a whole new prospective on blogging and determine to stick with it to see what results may occur. I know nothing happens overnight and in order to receive we must give. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it is great when you come across a product that markets itself. Have you ever wondered how you get specials sent to your phone when you go into a store or market? don't you wish you have a tool to tell everyone about your business or product or opportunity without lifting a finger? What if you could walk into Walmart or a theater or a basketball or foot ball stadium and everyone with an android phone with their bluetooth on within a 100 yard radius could get your message? Would that be cool or what? I think it is fantastic and this technology is available now to the public, so check this out!
